Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
Stay up to date with out youth programs by following us on instagram @masjidalrasoolyouth ! Visit
Assalamu Alaikum, Below is the Registration Form for the Taha Islamic Academy. We have provided a downloadable file and a preview below. Please fill out and print the Registration Form and bring it to the first day of class. Since it will be the first day, please arrive around 9:45 am. Students will be released at 2:00 pm. Download:![]()
Preview:We hope to see you there!
~Wassalam~ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful ~* Taha Youth Group *~ "Two blessings are taken for granted, security and health." - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Date: Friday, September 21st Topic: Contemporary Youth Issues Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm Location: Masjid Al-Rasool, 995 East Los Angeles Avenue, Simi Valley, CA (93065) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Asalaamu'Alaykum, May the Peace, Blessings, and Mercy of Allah (swt) be upon you. Inshallah we hope that all of you had a wonderful summer, but now it is time to get prepared to return back to school. If Allah wishes, we plan to have registration for Fall 2012. Registration will begin on Thursday August 30th, Thursday September 6th, and Friday September 7th all preferably at 8 pm . If you cannot make it on the following dates listed, you can email me your child's information (for instance, their name, age, and level of education) or fill out the required documents on the first day of school as an alternative. If you do come on one of the dates listed above, please visit Brother Bilal, Sheihk Modarres, or Sister Suhillah to complete the required tasks for your child's enrollment. Inshallah we will see you all and take care. Wassalam بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Asalaamu'Alaykum, May the Peace, Blessings, and Mercy of Allah (swt) be upon you. I hope you are all well Inshallah. This email is regarding all the youth associated with our mosque. Inshallah this Saturday the 7th we will be having brother's night. We plan to have a great time and encourage everyone to take part of this extravagant event. Our event will begin at 8:30pm and will continue till Sunday morning. We all plan to spend the night so bring your sleep wear! This event is a brother's event only, sorry sisters. The age limit is 12+. We will be having pizza so if you can bring $5 as a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much and see you Inshallah. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful ~* Taha Youth Group *~ "Show veneration for Allah similar to the way that you would mind your manners in front of a righteous person among your kinsmen." -Holy Prophet of Islam Meeting Date: June 9th, 2012 Topic: Contemporary Youth Issues Time: 6pm-9pm Location: 995 East Los Angeles Avenue Simi Valley, CA 93065 Congrats to the students of the Taha Islamic Academy. A big thanks to the teachers of the academy, who took off from their own time just to come and teach every Saturday.
The award ceremony was yesterday; Friday, May 25, 2012. Many of the students who did not attend the ceremony will receive their prizes later. For pictures of the award ceremony, go to the Photos page or click on the link. The Taha Islamc Academy Performs a Play for Eid Ul Adha. Enjoy! |
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